Monday, December 2, 2013

Six word stories

As usual, my brain is a jumbled mess of whatever happens to be going on in my life and whatever I have experienced that day. Today, like usual, it's more poems and tidbits from Tumblr. But more specifically, six word stories that (for me at least) leave you wanting more. Here are some of my favorites.

You deserve happiness. So I left.
She chased clouds hoping for rainbows.
Laughter long ago swallowed by shadows.
Do not laugh. We need dreamers.
Smoldering ashes. You stole my fire.
(These are all from the same blog and author

(These are just random finds on Tumblr)
I miss how you wanted me. 
You are somebody. Not some body.
The people you love become ghosts.
I discovered myself while discovering you.
Someone loving you doesn't fix you.
We all die with unanswered questions.
Under your finger tips, I matter.
Eye contact: how souls catch fire.
There are no winners, only survivors.
Hearts grow heavy with the sea.
But with you, it was different.

And finally, a Margaret Atwood quote: "There are mountains inside your skull," which comes from the longer quote:

at last you, will say
(maybe without speaking)

(there are mountains
inside your skull
garden and chaos, ocean
and hurricane; certain
corners of rooms, portraits
of great-grandmothers, curtains
of a particular shade;
your deserts; your private
dinosaurs; the first

all I need to know:
tell me
just as it was
from the beginning.


  1. I adore Atwood, but I've never read her poetry before. A friend and I were just talking about her last night, and my friend was saying she never reads Atwood in the wintertime - too much bleakness. I guess I can see that, but I enjoy her writing any time of year.

  2. Mmm Margaret Atwood. One of the few authors I would dearly love to emulate. (I love many, but want to emulate few; my voice is different for a reason, after all.)
    Some of those random six-word-ers I will be taking with me. Some of them have just shown up at a truly perfect time.
    Dang, Kaitlin, I have to keep thanking you!

  3. I love six word stories, also your ability to compile such great collections of tidbits.
