Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Kaitlin's First Car Accident

I got in a car accident today. I'm okay, just a sore shoulder from the seat belt and a headache/possible mild concussion. And a very bruised ego, along with an overwhelming amount of anger at myself.

I was getting on I91 at Exit 20 in St. Johnsbury, which has a big, sweeping curve as its entrance before it meets up with the actual interstate. Speed limit is 45 mph, and I was doing about 35, because of the bad weather and it was snowing pretty heavily. As I reached the point where the entrance ramp meets the interstate, I started to speed up, and the back end of the car hit some ice and snow and started to come around. I automatically took my foot of the gas and tried to correct the car by turning the other way. Apparently I over corrected, because the car was suddenly going the other way and I slammed into the concrete median thing, to prevent drivers from driving off the overpass. (Thank God) I hit the front right of the car first, and very hard, and then the back end swung into the concrete median as well.

It doesn't look that bad, but the majority of the damage is to the engine. The close up of the headlight is where it shows the most, since the headlight got move in about a foot. My brother when he came to pick me up popped the hood, and the engine is moved back and diagonally a bit. The alternator is crushed, and part of the frame is sitting on the ground. And the engine was leaking some sort of fluid, but I'm not sure if it was oil or starter fluid or whatever. So my car will most likely be totaled, since it's got 223000+ miles on it, and it's only worth about $4000 at the most.

I'm just utterly embarrassed and upset and disgusted at myself. I have no idea how I'm going to get to Castleton to register for classes on Thursday. I'm most likely not going to be able to go to NY anymore, because if the car gets totaled (I should know tomorrow), the rental I get tomorrow morning will need to be returned. I haven't even begun to think about how I will be able to do hotline, because no one in my house gets home until 5:30-6pm, and if I get a call where I have to meet someone, it's a real inconvenience to have to tell them they have to wait until my parents get home so I can borrow the car. The only thing I have to be thankful for is that I'm okay, and that my semester is over, so I don't have to worry about getting to my classes.

I'm just so frustrated. I couldn't have picked a worse time to get in an accident. My family already couldn't afford to do Christmas presents this year, not to mention replace a car. And now I add more to mine and my parent's stress levels. It would be nice to catch a break. What's that saying, Can't win for losing? That's me right now.

Update: 12/18  I am currently in Waterbury at my mom's work waiting to hear back from enterprise about a rental car. Since I'm under 21, I have to be approved by corporate before I can get a car. But I should have one by tonight, and I will be able to get to Castleton. The car is currently at a mechanics body shop, where I will go Thursday afternoon to pick up all my stuff and the license plates from the car, and Friday the car will be inspected and they will tell me it's totaled, and then I will have to get a new car. But I've got a couple of different options at the moment, so I just have to sit back and wait for a little while.


  1. Katie! How dare you be embarrassed? It was an acc.id.dent.! They call it that for a reason. The conditions were horrible last night. And it DOES look bad in the pictures. I'm so glad you're okay and glad I finally got a link to your blog. Love to you and your family.

  2. Oh yeah, one more thing: Blogger to Blogger, try a bigger font so it's easier to read, especially for old folks (like me). ;)

    1. Is this a bit better? Let me know, I can work with it some more :) And you are not old Zoe. Thanks for the love, we appreciate it.

  3. OK, so I understand the frustration, especially considering the financial situation, but DUDE, you just got so lucky. I know that overpass, I know that ramp, I know you got lucky. Cars are super necessary in these parts, but friends, craigslist, and word of mouth help a lot. You will figure it out and you will continue to be fine. Just let me know if you need a negotiator; it's my new favorite hobby.

    1. I have honestly never been happier that I've never been late on my car insurance. And I'll be on campus, so I guess I won't really need a car for a while just yet. I should have a rental through Jan 2nd, but after that...

      And thanks, I might hold you to that!

  4. Awww Kaitlin, I'm so sorry. I remember getting in my first accident, a couple winters ago. It is pretty horrible, but Tracy is right. You are ok and that's what counts. Let me know if you need anything.
